All new community event! Residents are invited to decorate their yard and/or home for a festive light cruise, and then walk or drive around the neighborhoods on Sunday evening, December 22nd to admire your community’s hard work and immerse yourself in festive spirit. This community participation event is to promote togetherness in your neighborhood. Remember to be safe and respect your neighbors. Your participation is appreciated! If you are proud of your decorations and want…
St. Louis kicks off the holiday season with its Small Town Family Christmas parade and reception with Santa and Mrs. Claus. To enter a walking group, lighted vehicle, or float in the parade please fill out by December 2nd a brief registration form at Small Town Family Christmas Parade Entry Form – St Louis MI. Parade line-up is at 5:30 p.m. on North Street. The parade begins at the intersection of North Street and Mill…
Annual winter parking restrictions are in effect. No parking is allowed on City Streets between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. from November 1 to May 1. It is also a violation to park in any manner which creates a hazard or impedes snow removal. Thank you for your compliance.
Summer decorations and flowers must be removed from grave sites by October 15. Winter decorations and flowers cannot be placed on grave sites until November 20. This allows City crews time for clean-up at the cemetery. Thank you for your consideration.
Loose leaves will be picked up curbside October 1 through December 1. Please rake leaves to the curb. Sticks must be kept separate and other solid waste must still be bagged. Leaves CANNOT be burned within the City limits. Beginning December 1, any remaining leaves must be placed in biodegradable bags for pickup. For more information about loose leaf, brush, and solid waste pick-up, please see the SOLID WASTE page.
The Department of Public Works will begin its yearly sewer cleaning on 08/26/2024. This year’s cleaning will be south of M46 and southwest of the Oak Grove Cemetery. The maintenance work is anticipated to take approximately a month. If you are in these areas and see crew members working in front of your house, you may hear noise from your drains; don’t be alarmed. It is recommended that you please leave your toilet seats down.…
Please see the calendar entries and event page for more details about: A Dunk Tank from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. set up between the W.T. Morris Memorial Pool and the Police Department A Craft & Vendor Show in the City Hall parking lot from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The St. Louis Moose Riders Annual Bike Show in the 200 block of North Mill Street from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A Concert in…
Residents of the City of St. Louis are invited to participate in city-wide garage sales Thursday July 11 through Saturday July 13 as part of the annual 4th of July celebrations. 62 local addresses are hosting sales this weekend. They can be viewed from a web browser at, download a pdf, or see the images below: Residents who missed the deadline for inclusion on the map are still welcome to host sales this weekend.…
Preregister for the Joe Scholtz Memorial Fishing Derby to be held on June 8, 2024 during Michigan’s Free Fishing Weekend by filling out the online form at or download and complete a copy of the form from this website or pick up a printed registration form from City Hall. Preregistration remains open until 1:00 p.m. on Friday June 7th.
The City of St. Louis along with the City of Alma will be holding its Annual Hazardous Waste Collection Program for 2024 on June 4th, 5th, & 6th. Solid Waste customers should call 989-463-8339 to schedule an appointment to drop off items such as batteries, paint, pesticides/herbicides and cleaning liquids at the Alma Public Services garage located at 800 Washing Street. Customers are encouraged to utilize this service to dispose of all unwanted waste considered…