
Public Survey – Potential Ordinance Amendment

Please take a few moments to share your thoughts regarding a potential ordinance amendment to allow residents in certain districts to own a limited number of egg-laying chickens. To complete the form, please click the link below: Thank you for taking the time to complete this brief survey.

Read Full Announcement about Public Survey – Potential Ordinance Amendment

Emergency Water Main Shut Down on Bankson Street

Due to the need to perform an emergency water main repair in the vicinity of Watson and North Streets, the Water Department needs to shut off the water along Bankson Street until further notice. This will affect residents on the following streets: Watson between M46 and North Street Bankson between M46 and North Street North…

Read Full Announcement about Emergency Water Main Shut Down on Bankson Street

Consumers Energy Gas Main Replacement Project

Consumers Energy is currently replacing a number of gas mains throughout the City. Residents whose gas services will be replaced will be (or already have) receiving a postcard explaining what they will be doing. Please see below for more information. You can also download this information in printable form by clicking here.

Read Full Announcement about Consumers Energy Gas Main Replacement Project

Snow Removal

Please remember to keep fire hydrants and drains clear of snow. It is illegal to plow snow from your driveway or walks into or across the street, as this can hinder snow removal by City crews. To view the City’s Snow Removal Program, please click here.

Read Full Announcement about Snow Removal

Public Notices

BANKSON STREET between North Street and M46

Due to the need to perform an emergency water main repair in the vicinity of Watson and North Streets, the Water Department needs to shut off the water along Bankson Street until further notice.

This will affect residents on the following streets:

Watson between M46 and North Street
Bankson between M46 and North Street
North between Watson and Bankson
Center between Watson and Bankson
W. Saginaw between Watson and Delaware

Crews are currently working on this repair.

This message will be updated when the repair is completed.

Keith W. Risdon
Director of Public Services

March 20, 2025

City-wide DWSRF 24 Water Main and Road Improvement Program

The water main replacement program which was started last Fall will soon be starting again.  Currently the Contractor, Malley Construction Inc. out of Mt. Pleasant is relocating his equipment from winter storage and will be placing materials along his planned route of construction.  At this time, the contractor anticipates installing pipe along Euclid, Butternut, a portion of S. East, and E. State Street, as shown on the attached map, this spring.

The contractor, engineer and City personnel will be meeting to review the anticipated start date along with the proposed schedule.  Once the routing has been confirmed along with a schedule, the affected residents along the route will be notified.  DPW personnel will distribute “door hanger” notifications at those locations along the route prior to the commencement of the work.

Keith W. Risdon P.E.
Director of Public Services

Map highlighting water main improvements and rehabilitation.