Staff Contact
DPW Superintendent
St. Louis, MI 48880
After Hours/Holidays: Contact Gratiot County Central Dispatch for assistance with EMERGENCIES at 989-875-7505. There is a $100 charge for after hours and holiday service calls if the emergency is considered the responsibility of the homeowner. The $100 fee is added to the homeowner's next utility bill.

The department of public works maintains 22 1/2 miles of City streets (sweeping, snow removal, grading, patching, etc.), handles brush and lawn waste pick-up for all residential addresses, manages the grounds of all City properties and City parks, and much more.
Digging? Call MISS DIG
If you are doing any digging within the City limits, you must call MISS DIG at 811 or 800-482-7171 or submit a request for service online at at least three business days before you begin the project. MISS DIG is a free service. You can also check the status of your service request online through the same website.
MISS DIG System, Inc. is a Michigan Non-Profit Corporation that operates as the Underground Utility Safety Notification System for the entire state. The mission of MISS DIG System, Inc. is to safeguard the public, environment, property, and utility infrastructures and promote utility damage prevention.
Right of Way Permit
To construct, operate, use and/or maintain within a right-of-way, or to close a street, an application must be filed and permit issued by the Department of Public Works. Detailed information and the application can be found in the documents folder on this page.
This department has a vactor truck used for cleaning sewer lines, four large dump trucks with plows, a small dump truck, two smaller pickups, and 6,000 gallon tanker truck, a front loader and four riding mowers. These vehicles are used primarily for the maintenance & repair of roads and public properties, and for snow removal.
Snow Etiquette
Please remember to keep fire hydrants and drains clear of snow.
It is illegal to plow snow from driveways or walks into or across the street, since it can hinder snow removal by City Crews.
Nightly No Parking on City Streets
There is no parking on City Streets from
2:00 AM - 6:00 AM
November 1st to May 1st
It is a violation to park in any manner which impedes snow removal
The City of St. Louis Code of Ordinances, Sec. 54-14, states that the owner or occupant of any lot, land or premise is responsible for sidewalk snow and ice removal. No person in removing snow or ice from any sidewalk shall cause damage to sidewalk.
For detailed information about the Public Works Department's efforts to provide safe, accessible streets during the winter months, please refer to their Snow Removal Program.