Residential Curbside Trash Collection
Trash collection is provided for all single unit dwellings in the City. Weekly curbside trash pick up services (beginning May 1, 2022) are provided by Granger Waste Services.
Trash must be bagged and placed in a Granger issued Curby trash cart (brown lid). Approximately four to five 30-gallon trash bags fit in a single cart. DO NOT load carts over 200 pounds. Please double bag cat litter or any other animal waste.
Only household waste may be disposed of in the trash carts. No yard waste, construction debris, or hazardous waste should be placed in the carts. For details about prohibited items and suggestions on how to dispose of them, please view Granger's Waste Acceptance Guidelines page.
Multi-Unit residential and Commercial/Industrial trash collection must be contracted by the property owner.
Granger issued Curby Recycler recycling carts (yellow lid) are collected curbside every two weeks. Place accepted recyclable materials loose in the cart. Do not bag them. All recyclables must be clean and dry. For details about acceptable and unacceptable materials, please refer to Granger's Recycling Schedule & Guidelines.
Please follow the cart placement guidelines for both your trash and recycling carts to ensure pick-up.
As of July 1, 2024, the current monthly rates for solid waste services are $17.00 for solid waste collection, $0.52 for hazardous waste collection, and $15.05 for yard waste collection. Please refer to the Solid Waste Rates document for more information.
Windy Day Trash Tips
Yard Waste
The City provides curbside yard waste removal for residential properties. Bagged yard waste pick-up is generally on Monday each week. Brush is picked up once a month. Please see the Yard Waste Guidelines document or the FAQ below for more information.
The current brush pick-up schedule is on the DPW page.
If you have questions or concerns regarding solid waste pick up that are not addressed in the Solid Waste Guidelines, the Wells Road Yard Supplemental Policy, or this FAQ, please contact the DPW Superintendent at (989) 681-3644.
A message from the DPW Superintendent about yard waste bag pick-up policies and procedures.
A message from the DPW Superintendent about brush pick-up policies and procedures.
A message from the Department of Public Works about loose leaf pickup.
Hazardous Waste
The City of Alma along with the City of St Louis will be sponsoring its Thirty-first Annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program on June 4, 5, and 6, 2024. Solid waste customers desiring to use this service should call (989) 463-8339 to schedule an appointment to drop off their material at the Alma Public Works garage located at 800 Washington Street. Customers are encouraged to utilize this service to dispose of all unwanted waste typically considered hazardous and not permitted to be placed with the weekly trash collection services. Examples of these include:
Pesticides and Herbicides
Solvents, Strippers and Turpentine
Paints-Oil based and Latex
Rodent Baits
Chemical Household Cleaners and Acids</strong
Auto Fluids-Antifreeze and Lubricants
Pool/Spa Chemicals
Household and Automotive Batteries
Pressurized tanks (i.e. fire extinguishers, LP tanks, etc.)
Fluorescent light bulbs (tubes only)
Passenger and Light Truck Tires*
*Will not accept OTRs which include loader tires, airplane tires, solid/gel filled tires, forestry tires, logging tires, mining tires, earth mover tires, golf tires with rim, rubber tracks of any kind, nor tires with excessive dirt and parts or shreds of tires.
All items to be disposed of must be in original containers. Unidentified substances cannot be accepted. Leaky items should be placed in a plastic or metal container with a secure top. Containers are limited in size to 5-gal or 40lbs in weight. Substances should not be mixed together.
The following items CAN NOT be accepted:
Ammunition or Explosives
Radioactive Materials (i.e. smoke detectors)
No Dried Paint or Empty Paint Cans
Unidentifiable Materials
E-Waste (electronics, computers, cell phones)
Prescription Medication
Alma Police Department is a collection site
Outdated or Unused Medications in original containers (Pills only)
Sharps (Needles)
Gratiot Community Mental Health is a Sharps collection site
This program is only available to City of Alma/City of St Louis Solid Waste customers. There is no direct charge for this service as costs incurred for the Household Hazardous Waste program are assessed in customer billing.  Identification will be required at the drop off site. For additional information, please call the Alma Public Works Department at (989) 463-8030, or Alma City Hall at (989) 463-8336.
This program is available to City of Alma/City of St Louis Solid Waste customers only.
Call (989) 463-8030 to reserve a drop off appointment.