The City of St. Louis offers a wide range of convenient payment options. Choose the method that works best for you. Please note that payments must be received by 4 p.m. on the applicable due date to avoid penalty.
Online Payment
You may pay your bill using a debit or credit card and/or view account history and activity. For Utilities this is only available for active accounts. Any inactive accounts for former residents or tenants will need to be paid by mail using the invoice provided or in person. For Taxes, only the most recent levy year for real property is available for online payment. Once the tax roll is sent to the County Treasurer, you must make arrangements to pay through the Gratiot County Treasurer Office. Please Note that Credit/Debit Card processing is provided by a third party vendor that changes a convenience fee of 1.5% to 3%.
Online Payment Options and Guides (5)
Automatic Check Withdrawal
(Available for Utility Bills*)
Automatically pay your utility bill directly from your bank account. Payment is deducted from your bank account on or after the 8th of the month. After signing up for this payment option, you will still receive a monthly utility statement.
Complete and submit the application by following the instructions provided on the form. Your account must be in current status to sign up. For security reasons, please do not email your application or voided check.
*Please note that this option is not available for Bethany Township Customers.
Drop Box
Drop off your payment, along with the payment stub, at our 24-hour Drop Box. Note that the scheduled pickup is at 4 pm daily during business days, items in the dropbox prior to pickup are processed as that days business. Items put in the drop box after 4pm are not processed until the next day.
This box is located to the right of the entry doors at City Hall at 300 N Mill Street. Note that the entrance doors for the City Hall Offices are located in the entrance to the center of the building. The entrance with the roof overhang that you can drive through is for the Events portion of the building and is generally locked unless there is an event in the Community Room or one of the meeting rooms.
Please do NOT deposit cash in the drop box for security reasons.
Payment by Mail
Please return your payment, along with the payment stub, to:
City of St. Louis
300 N Mill Street
St. Louis, MI 48880
Please allow ample time for your payment to reach us. We do not accept postmarks.
Payment in Person
Payment can be made at the service counter at City Hall during normal business hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Payment methods include cash, money order or checks payable to City of St. Louis, and credit or debit cards.