Have a wonderful experience in historic Downtown St. Louis! Stroll the streets of our traditional Central Business District. Enjoy convenient parking and easy access to many places to eat, shop and relax. Our downtown has a fine mix of retail and specialty shops, service businesses and places to eat and get together.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Downtown St. Louis is a quaint, picturesque place that is the focal point of the City and home to many community events. Key features in and around the downtown include the St. Louis High School, Clapp Park, the W.T. Morris Memorial swimming pool, the St. Louis Farmers Market, our beautiful new City Hall and Police Department opened in 2015, and our new St. Louis Area Fire Department.

2020 peters hardware and st. louis banner #1

In recent years, the City has partnered with MDOT and MEDC on several downtown enhancement projects. Victorian lighting, stamped concrete, sidewalks and landscaping were added on M-46 and South Main Street to the St. Louis Area Historical Society Depot Museum and park area. Victorian light poles with energy-efficient LED heads were also installed on North Mill Street. The downtown's alleyways and parking lots were repaved and redesigned to improve access to St. Louis' storefronts. Total investment in public improvements in this area in recent years is well over $2 million.

The downtown is part of a safe, walkable neighborhood, as the business district is surrounded by residential homes. Some beautiful Victorian homes still stand along M-46 and in select spots around downtown.

Please feel free to e-mail Elsie Burton, eburton@stlouismi.com, or Joshua Leppien,  jleppien@stlouismi.com, if you have any questions, or would like to receive our e-newsletter. We look forward to seeing you here!

Downtown Wi-Fi Access

St. Louis banner with American flag on pole.

Flegel Tech Repair, the St. Louis DDA, and Unified Network Consulting are pleased to provide free Wi-Fi coverage on North Mill Street from M-46 through the 300 block, to the pool north of City Hall. This network provides internet access outdoors to anyone who wishes to connect, with the purpose of enhancing visitor and shopper experience while exploring Downtown St. Louis

The Wi-Fi network is active seven days a week from 5AM to 11PM. While in range and in your device's Wi-Fi menu, choose Downtown Wi-Fi. When redirected to the landing page, accept the terms of use. If you are on the network for more than four hours, you will need to reauthorize your connection.

For additional details, see the official press release from 11/4/2020.

Downtown Banner Project

Downtown St. Louis has been part of the Gratiot Downtown Art Expo banner project since its inception in 2012! Each year 20 downtown light poles are decorated with beautiful painted banners by local artists and school students.

The banner project has many wonderful sponsors and takes place in the communities of St. Louis, Alma, Breckenridge and Ithaca each year.

If you or anyone you know would like to submit artwork for consideration to be painted on a banner, the DEADLINE IS MARCH 3.

Please look over the brochure/entry form for all the details! Thanks to everyone who continue to support this excellent project!

Electric Department Employee Dave Giles